The new Learning Center of the Academy of the Most Blessed Sacrament was officially blessed and dedicated on Sunday, January 26. The ceremony also marked the beginning of Catholic Schools Week for the Academy.
“The Learning Center was built to replace our antiquated tech lab and library, and create a combined facility that would allow for easy student cooperative learning,” said AMBS Principal Thomas Altonjy. “This necessitated the addition of movable furniture, and an electronic cataloging system for easy circulation. It is a true state-of-the art facility that addresses the needs of all grade levels from pre-school to middle school, placing the latest technology in the hands of the students along with a Smart Board, and a fresh new look, to add excitement to the learning process for our children.”
Plans for the new AMBS Learning Center were developed as a result of the school’s 2017 Middle States Self-Study, and the school’s desire to better realize the 2014 New Jersey Technology Standards.
The first steps were taken to transform one of the Pre-K Cottages on the school’s campus in July with demolition work that focused on eliminating the non-bearing walls in order to create an open, flexible space to allow students to collaborate freely.
Once the make-over of the cottage itself was completed, new furniture, including mobile carts and movable tables and chairs for flexible seating were installed, along with the new technology: Chromebooks, I-pads, a Smart-board and a new library catalog system that will include reading levels for library books so that students will be able to select and borrow appropriate books for their individual and targeted reading levels.
The new facility will provide students with improved opportunities to develop skills in word processing, spreadsheets, coding, email communication, internet based research and, in general, improved digital citizenship.
Altonjy said that the project has been largely funded from outside sources and will cost the school itself very little.
“Over ninety percent of the project’s budget has been covered by technology grants from the state of New Jersey, several parental donations, Home Academy Partnership (HAP) fundraising, and support from the MBS School and Education Foundation,” said Altonjy. “Less than 9% of the project will be funded from the school’s capital budget. It is really a dream come true for our school community, and a wonderful addition that will surely enhance the learning experience for students at AMBS for many years to come."