The Aquinas Middle School’s Xavier House saluted the Military in May. Led by Patricia M., Head of Xavier House, they hosted various events for the school community. From May 10th through May 21st, Xavier House collected donations of wipes, protein bars, instant soup, chewing gum, snacks, mouthwash and drink mixes for the 2-113th Infantry Regiment, New Jersey National Guard. They hosted a dress down day on May 12th where students wore camouflage, red/white/blue or insignia of any Military branch. They decorated a bulletin board showcasing family members who serve/have served and honored them during daily prayers. To conclude the event, Xavier House members set up tables around school celebrating the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard and National Guard on May 26th with crafts, American flags and raffles.
The Student Council's bulletin board reminds all students of our daily anti-bullying pledge: "I will not bully others, I will not stand by while others are bullied, I will report and deal with bullying whenever I see it, because I have the power of ONE. Remember, what you do and what you say can make or break someone's day. Have a great day!"